Joy Bowen

Pastoral Education is a way of improving your communication, provided in a way that suits your community/team. Pastoral education courses are created to teach those who engage in pastoral care
work in hospitals, aged care, corrective services, emergency services , religious communities, parishes,
multi faith communities, the military, schools and emergency services.
Allwayspresence Pastoral education is based on the action reflection of learning and drenched with real
life experiences and case studies garnished from decades of practical experience in hospital settings,
(adults and paediatrics) mental health and within the homelessness sector.
Particular expertise in theology and well versed in inter -faith practice, skills taught encompass the
breadth of human experience and include: compassionate listening, boundaries, self -care, grief and loss support, radical empathy, self awareness, supervision and verbatim writing. This course requires the successful completion of small written tasks, is experiential and offers role plays.