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Clinical Supervision is a invaluable method of keeping individuals and teams "on track" and healthy in the work place. Clinical supervision is arranged as a designated time where, either by phone, Skype, or in person , individuals and/or groups meet with their clinical supervisor for supervision and are supported in a confidential, safe and relaxed space. Clinical supervision is a must for every workplace and professional especially those that operate in high stress and traumatic spaces such as health workers, case workers, social workers, clergy, chaplains, pastoral practitioners, emergency services, military and youth workers.




Regular clinical  group supervision for employees is a proven method of ensuring healthy work practices, building relationship and trust, whilst reducing work related stress, mitigating poor staff engagement and decreasing staff turn over.



Commonly clinical supervision is engaged in once a month; and in addition, when there is a sudden

need. An hour of clinical supervision for an individual or ninety minutes for a group session allows

persons to seek answers, reflect, build relationship and learn to improve work practices and workplace issues while being supported in a professional, therapeutic relationship.


Commonly in group supervision each member  takes responsibility for bringing a topic to explore for

each session.


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